

画蛇添足 - To draw a snake and add feet to it (to do something unnecessary that spoils the effect)

守株待兔 - To wait by a stump for a hare to come and run into it (to hope for a repetition of a chance success without making further efforts)

井底之蛙 - A frog in a well (a person with a limited outlook)

狐假虎威 - The fox assuming the majesty of the tiger (borrowing authority from another)

刻舟求剑 - To mark a boat to find a lost sword (to adhere rigidly to old ways of thinking and acting)

拔苗助长 - To pull up the seedlings to help them grow taller (to hasten success by artificial means)

亡羊补牢 - To mend the fold after a sheep is lost (to take remedial action after a mistake)

愚公移山 - The foolish old man who removed the mountains (persistent effort can overcome great difficulties)

掩耳盗铃 - To steal a bell and cover one\'s ears (to deceive oneself)

叶公好龙 - Mr. Ye\'s fondness for dragons (professing one thing and doing another)



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