
A local police officer patrols the Spanish steps off Trinita dei Monti church in Rome on August 6, 2019. [Photo/IC]

>Spanish Steps\' sitting ban


Rome has banned tourists from sitting on its famous Spanish Steps in a move denounced as "Fascist" by critics. 近日,罗马市著名的西班牙台阶实施游客"禁坐令",此举被批评人士抨击为"法西斯主义"。

The city has previously barred visitors from eating or drinking on the marble staircase but has now extended the rule to include sitting. 此前,罗马已对游客在大理石台阶上吃喝发布禁令,现在坐在上面休息也成为禁令中的一项。

Police began patrolling the 18th-century marble steps, blowing whistles at those sitting down.警方近日开始在这些建于18世纪的大理石台阶上巡逻,向那些坐在台阶上的人吹哨发出警告。

The monument, a UNESCO world heritage site, has long been the ideal resting spot for tired visitors. 西班牙台阶是联合国教科文组织评出的世界遗产地,一直是疲惫游客理想的休息场所。

The landmark was made famous in the US by the 1953 film "Roman Holiday" starring Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck. 这处标志性建筑因1953年奥黛丽•赫本和格里高利•派克主演的影片《罗马假日》而在美国名声大噪。

Visitors who defy the ban can be fined 250 euros, which increases to 400 euros if they have dirtied or damaged the stone staircase.违反禁令的游客将被罚款250欧元(约合人民币1977元)。如果游客弄脏或损坏了石阶,罚款将增至400欧元(约合人民币3160元)。

US financier Jeffrey Epstein (C) appears in court in West Palm Beach, Florida, US July 30, 2008. [Photo/Agencies]

>Jeffrey Epstein dies in jail


Disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein was found dead on Saturday after an apparent suicide in the New York jail cell where he was being held without bail on sex-trafficking charges, and a source said he was not on suicide watch at the time of his death. 声名狼藉的金融家杰弗里•爱泼斯坦10日被发现在美国纽约一座监狱内死亡,初步推断死因是自杀。爱泼斯坦因涉嫌性交易犯罪遭拘禁,不得保释。有消息来源透露,爱泼斯坦死亡时未被置于防自杀监控之下。

Epstein, 66, was found unresponsive in his cell and transported to a hospital where he was pronounced dead. 狱警发现66岁的爱泼斯坦在囚室内没有反应,将他送至医院,医院宣告他已死亡。

Epstein, who was arrested on July 6, had pleaded not guilty to charges of sex trafficking involving dozens of underage girls from 2002 to 2005.爱泼斯坦7月6日被捕,对于在2002年至2005年间涉嫌组织数十名未成年少女进行性交易的指控,他拒不认罪。

Last month, Epstein was found unconscious on the floor of his jail cell with marks on his neck, according to media reports, and officials were investigating that incident as a possible suicide or assault. 据媒体报道,上月,爱泼斯坦曾在牢房里被发现昏迷不醒,且颈部受伤,执法人员正在调查这是否是一起自杀或袭击事件。

Despite that, Epstein had been taken off suicide watch, a source familiar with the matter told Reuters. He was on suicide watch as late as Thursday, and was in a cell by himself when his body was found, the source said. 消息人士向路透社透露,在这种情况下,对爱泼斯坦的防自杀监控竟被撤掉,爱泼斯坦被发现死亡时囚室里没有其他人。对爱泼斯坦的防自杀监控8月8日结束。

The FBI and the Department of Justice\'s Inspector General were opening investigations.美国联邦调查局和司法部检察长已对这一事件展开调查。

A customer scans a QR code for payment at a market in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia on Oct 18, 2018. [Photo/IC]

>Disposable income surges


Chinese residents saw their per capita disposable income surge by nearly 60 times during the past seven decades thanks to the country\'s steady economic expansion. 由于我国经济稳步增长,过去70年里,我国居民人均可支配收入增长近60倍。

The per capita disposable income stood at about 49.7 yuan in 1949, and topped 28,200 yuan in 2018, registering a growth of over 59 times factoring in inflation, a report from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed. 国家统计局发布的一份报告显示,1949年,我国居民人均可支配收入约为49.7元,2018年居民人均可支配收入超过28200元,扣除物价因素实际增长逾59倍。

The steady income growth also led to continuous increases in consumption spending. 居民收入稳步增长也使得消费支出持续上涨。

Chinese residents\' per capita consumption spending surged from 88.2 yuan in 1956 to 19,853 yuan in 2018, growing 28.5 times in real terms, NBS data showed.统计局数据显示,我国居民人均消费支出由1956年的88.2元,增至2018年的19853元,实际增长28.5倍。

Typhoon Lekima approaches Qingdao, East China\'s Shandong province, Aug 11, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]

>Typhoon Lekima wreaks havoc


Typhoon Lekima has left 47 dead and 21 missing in three Chinese provinces, wreaking havoc there with torrential rains and strong gales. 今年我国最强台风、第9号台风"利奇马"在我国三省肆虐,带来暴雨和强风,已造成47人死亡,21人失踪。

By Monday morning, the death toll in Zhejiang province has risen to 39 while nine others remained missing, said the Zhejiang provincial flood control headquarters. The ninth and strongest typhoon of the year has affected 6.68 million residents in Zhejiang, among whom 1.26 million were evacuated. It damaged 234,000 hectares of crops, inflicting a direct economic loss of 24.22 billion yuan.浙江省防指表示,截至12日上午,"利奇马"已致该省668万人受灾,因灾死亡39人,失踪9人,紧急转移安置126万人,农作物受灾面积23.4万公顷,直接经济损失242.2亿元。

Lekima landed at around 1:45 am Saturday in the city of Wenling in Zhejiang. It made a second landing at 8:50 pm Sunday on the coast of Qingdao in Shandong province. "利奇马"于10日1时45分前后在浙江省温岭市登陆,于11日20时50分在山东省青岛市再次登陆。

In Shandong, it has left five people dead and seven missing, affecting 1.66 million people and forcing the relocation of 183,800 as of Monday morning, said the provincial emergency management department. 据山东省应急管理厅网站消息,截至12日上午,该省受灾人口166万人,因灾死亡5人、失踪7人,紧急转移安置18.38万人。

In Anhui province that neighbors Zhejiang, it has left three people dead and five missing in Ningguo city, affecting nearly 100,000 people and forcing the relocation of nearly 18,000 as of 10:00 pm Sunday, said the city government.在临近浙江的安徽省,根据宁国市政府的通报,截至11日22时,台风导致该市3人死亡、5人失踪,全市受灾人口近10万人,紧急转移安置近1.8万人。

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