
assent 英 [əˈsent] 美 [əˈsent] n. 赞成;批准 v. (尤指官方)赞成,同意

: as(ad: to)+sent(to feel) -> feel agreeable to something 对...某事感觉良好 -> 赞成,同意

考点1: vi.同意: to agree to something especially after thoughtful consideration

e.g. The general proposed a detailed plan and the president assented将军提出 了一个细节化的计划,总统同意了该计划。

: accede, agree, assent, consent, subscribe, come round

: dissent, disagree 不同意

ignite 英 [ɪɡˈnaɪt] 美 [ɪɡˈnaɪt] vt. 点燃;使燃烧;使激动 vi. 点火;燃烧

: ignit(fire)+e -> 点火; 点燃

考点1: vt.点燃: to cause to burn; to set fire to

e.g. The bombs ignited a fire which destroyed some 60 houses.炸弹引发的大火摧毁了大约60间房屋

: enkindle, fire, inflame, kindle, light, torch

: douse, extinguish, quench, put out 熄灭

考点2: vt.激起,唤起(感情等): to arouse the passions of

e.g. The insults ignited my anger. 那些侮辱让我倍感愤怒

: arouse, incite, instigate, pique, spark, stimulate, stir

: appease, assuage, calm, conciliate, mollify, pacify, placate, propitiate, soothe 平息怒火,安抚

rant 英 [rænt] 美 [rænt] v. 咆哮,叫嚷;大声抱怨;夸夸其谈 n. 咆哮;激昂的长篇演说;豪言壮语

考点1: n.(尤指长时间的)训斥,责骂: a long angry speech or scolding

e.g. After complaining about the hotel\'s lousy service, the woman went off on another rant about the condition of her room.在抱怨完旅店差劲的服务之后,她继续对房间的条件开骂。

: castigation, diatribe, harangue, lambasting, philippic, reprimand, reproach, vituperation

: encomium, eulogy, panegyric, rhapsody, tribute 赞美之词

考点2: vi.怒吼: to speak or write in a noisv, angry or violent manner

e.g. The old expert ranted that nobody paid any attention to his opinion.老专家怒气冲冲的叫嚷说没人听他的观点。

: bluster, fulminate, huff, rave, roar, spout

: grumble, murmur, mutter 低声抱怨

cherished 英 [ˈtʃerɪʃəd] 美 [ˈtʃerɪʃəd] adj. 珍爱的,珍藏的v. 重视,珍视;珍爱,爱护;抱有(信念、希望);怀有(好感);怀念(cherish 的过去式和过去分词)

: cher-(car-: like喜欢)+ish(v后缀: 造成) -> 原宗教色彩: 表示上帝对人类的爱 -> 珍爱; 怀念等

考点1: adj.受喜爱的,珍爱的: granted special treatment or attention

e.g. a cherished heirloom that has been in the family for generations在这个家族里流传了几代的为大家喜爱 的纺织机 He described the picture with his wife as his most cherished possession.他把这张与妻子和合影看


: beloved, dear, favored, favorite, fond, loved, pet, precious, special, sweet

: abhorred, abominated, despised, detested, disdained, disliked, execrated, hated, loathed 被厌恶的

mischievous 英 [ˈmɪstʃɪvəs] 美 [ˈmɪstʃɪvəs] adj. 淘气的;(人、行为等)恶作剧的;有害的

: mis(bad)+chiev(head头)+ous(adj后缀) -> 做不好的事情的头儿 -> 恶作剧的; 有害的 淘气的

考点1: adj.调皮的,嬉闹的: playful in a naughty or teasing way

e.g. The mischievous child broke the vase. 调皮的孩子打碎了花瓶

: annoying, devious, errant, impish, misbehaving, naughty, playful, wicked

: decorous, urbane举止得体的

考点2: adj.有害的: causing harm or trouble

e.g. mischievous rumors that defame him恶意中伤他的谣言

: adverse, baleful, baneful, deleterious, detrimental, evil, hurtful, injurious, nocuous, noxious, pernicious

: beneficial 有益的;anodyne, benign, harmless, innocent, innocuous, inoffensive, safe 无害的


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