

1. 很多同学,面对议论,理屈词穷。下面这些表达,总能打开你的话匣子;

2. 很多同学,写的句子和短语,一点都不高级,全是中式思维。下面这些表达,会瞬间提升作文档次;

3. 很多同学,考前不知道怎么复习,不知道都有什么话题。中学生,还能有啥太深入太偏僻的话题,就是这些了。

4. 很多同学,觉得下面的很好,但可能有些多。我没让你全背呀,每一个话题,找几句自己能用上的。所有话题,一共顶多记忆10-15句,就够了。

5. 很多同学,举一反三的能力吧,着实有些不足。下面的表达,如果你认真看,会发现很多都是各个话题重复的,要学会迁移。

6. 我提供的,仅仅是短语。需要同学们自己总结成句子。有的同学会问,老师,我想要句子。想要句子的,翻看我以前的范文即可,下面的所有话题,我都写过完整的范文。



  • 参加社会实践的好处

broaden one\'s horizons 扩大视野

enrich one\'s knowledge and experience 丰富经历

relax your body and mind 放松身心

fresh one’s mind放松心灵

increase the pleasure of life增加生活的乐趣

make one’s life more meaningful and colorful让生活丰富多彩

have a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment有一种满足感和收获感

accumulate working experience 积累工作经验

acquire practical skills 学习实际知识

these things all play very important roles in students’ future work and life.这些对学生今后工作和生活起到很重要的作用

get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do.清晰了解他们所希望做的事

broaden one\'s horizons 扩大视野

enrich one\'s knowledge and experience 丰富经历

relax your body and mind 放松身心

fresh one’s mind放松心灵

increase the pleasure of life增加生活的乐趣

make one’s life more meaningful and colorful让生活丰富多彩

have a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment有一种满足感和收获感

accumulate working experience 积累工作经验

acquire practical skills 学习实际知识

these things all play very important roles in students’ future work and life.这些对学生今后工作和生活起到很重要的作用

get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do.清晰了解他们所希望做的事

  • 参加慈善活动的益处

broaden one\'s horizons 扩大视野

enrich one\'s knowledge and experience 丰富经历

relax your body and mind 放松身心

fresh one’s mind放松心灵

increase the pleasure of life增加生活的乐趣

make one’s life more meaningful and colorful让生活丰富多彩

have a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment有一种满足感和收获感

accumulate working experience 积累工作经验

acquire practical skills 学习实际知识

these things all play very important roles in students’ future work and life.这些对学生今后工作和生活起到很重要的作用

get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do.清晰了解他们所希望做的事

make contributions to the society为社会做贡献

broaden one\'s horizons 扩大视野

enrich one\'s knowledge and experience 丰富经历

relax your body and mind 放松身心

fresh one’s mind放松心灵

increase the pleasure of life增加生活的乐趣

make one’s life more meaningful and colorful让生活丰富多彩

have a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment有一种满足感和收获感

accumulate working experience 积累工作经验

acquire practical skills 学习实际知识

these things all play very important roles in students’ future work and life.这些对学生今后工作和生活起到很重要的作用

get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do.清晰了解他们所希望做的事

make contributions to the society为社会做贡献

  • 参加学校活动的好处

enrich one\'s knowledge and experience 丰富经历

relax your body and mind 放松身心

fresh one’s mind放松心灵

relieve tension and anxiety解除紧张和焦虑

increase the pleasure of life增加生活的乐趣

make one’s life more meaningful and colorful让生活丰富多彩

have a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment有一种满足感和收获感

these things all play very important roles in students’ future work and life.这些对学生今后工作和生活起到很重要的作用

get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do.清晰了解他们所希望做的事

learn to get along with others学会与人相处

develop social skills 培养社交能力

explore one’s interests and talents 激发某人兴趣与潜能

enrich one\'s knowledge and experience 丰富经历

relax your body and mind 放松身心

fresh one’s mind放松心灵

relieve tension and anxiety解除紧张和焦虑

increase the pleasure of life增加生活的乐趣

make one’s life more meaningful and colorful让生活丰富多彩

have a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment有一种满足感和收获感

these things all play very important roles in students’ future work and life.这些对学生今后工作和生活起到很重要的作用

get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do.清晰了解他们所希望做的事

learn to get along with others学会与人相处

develop social skills 培养社交能力

explore one’s interests and talents 激发某人兴趣与潜能

  • 旅游的好处

broaden one\'s horizons 扩大视野

enrich one\'s knowledge and experience 丰富经历

relax your body and mind 放松身心

fresh one’s mind放松心灵

relieve tension and anxiety解除紧张和焦虑

relieve stress and reduce depression.减压

increase the pleasure of life增加生活的乐趣

make one’s life more meaningful and colorful让生活丰富多彩

appreciate the scenery of nature欣赏自然美景

broaden one\'s horizons 扩大视野

enrich one\'s knowledge and experience 丰富经历

relax your body and mind 放松身心

fresh one’s mind放松心灵

relieve tension and anxiety解除紧张和焦虑

relieve stress and reduce depression.减压

increase the pleasure of life增加生活的乐趣

make one’s life more meaningful and colorful让生活丰富多彩

appreciate the scenery of nature欣赏自然美景

  • 爬山的好处

relax your body and mind 放松身心

fresh one’s mind放松心灵

relieve tension and anxiety解除紧张和焦虑

be vigorous and energetic精力充沛的

relieve stress and reduce depression.减压

increase the pleasure of life增加生活的乐趣

make one’s life more meaningful and colorful让生活丰富多彩

have a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment有一种满足感和收获感

exercise one’s body锻炼身体

appreciate the scenery of nature欣赏自然美景

improve the efficiency of study提高学习效率

relax your body and mind 放松身心

fresh one’s mind放松心灵

relieve tension and anxiety解除紧张和焦虑

be vigorous and energetic精力充沛的

relieve stress and reduce depression.减压

increase the pleasure of life增加生活的乐趣

make one’s life more meaningful and colorful让生活丰富多彩

have a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment有一种满足感和收获感

exercise one’s body锻炼身体

appreciate the scenery of nature欣赏自然美景

improve the efficiency of study提高学习效率

  • 徒步的好处

relax your body and mind 放松身心

fresh one’s mind放松心灵

relieve tension and anxiety解除紧张和焦虑

be vigorous and energetic精力充沛的

relieve stress and reduce depression.减压

increase the pleasure of life增加生活的乐趣

make one’s life more meaningful and colorful让生活丰富多彩

have a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment有一种满足感和收获感

exercise one’s body锻炼身体

appreciate the scenery of nature欣赏自然美景

improve the efficiency of study提高学习效率

relax your body and mind 放松身心

fresh one’s mind放松心灵

relieve tension and anxiety解除紧张和焦虑

be vigorous and energetic精力充沛的

relieve stress and reduce depression.减压

increase the pleasure of life增加生活的乐趣

make one’s life more meaningful and colorful让生活丰富多彩

have a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment有一种满足感和收获感

exercise one’s body锻炼身体

appreciate the scenery of nature欣赏自然美景

improve the efficiency of study提高学习效率

  • 锻炼的好处

relax your body and mind 放松身心

fresh one’s mind放松心灵

relieve tension and anxiety解除紧张和焦虑

be vigorous and energetic精力充沛的

relieve stress and reduce depression.减压

increase the pleasure of life增加生活的乐趣

make one’s life more meaningful and colorful让生活丰富多彩

have a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment有一种满足感和收获感

promote the students\' physical and mental development促进学生身心发展

cultivate patience培养耐心

relax your body and mind 放松身心

fresh one’s mind放松心灵

relieve tension and anxiety解除紧张和焦虑

be vigorous and energetic精力充沛的

relieve stress and reduce depression.减压

increase the pleasure of life增加生活的乐趣

make one’s life more meaningful and colorful让生活丰富多彩

have a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment有一种满足感和收获感

promote the students\' physical and mental development促进学生身心发展

cultivate patience培养耐心

  • 参加英语节的好处

broaden the scope of knowledge. 扩大知识面

enrich one\'s knowledge and experience 丰富经历

improve one’s English skills

make one’s life more meaningful and colorful让生活丰富多彩

have a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment有一种满足感和收获感

lay a solid foundation for further study为以后进一步深造打下坚实基础

broaden the scope of knowledge. 扩大知识面

enrich one\'s knowledge and experience 丰富经历

improve one’s English skills

make one’s life more meaningful and colorful让生活丰富多彩

have a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment有一种满足感和收获感

lay a solid foundation for further study为以后进一步深造打下坚实基础

  • 网购的好处

save time节约时间

save money节约金钱

There is no need to wait in a queue. 无需排队

Online stores give us the ability to buy around the clock 随时能买

Enjoy the convenience体会便捷

With online shopping, you can compare prices from hundreds of different vendors.可以比价

save time节约时间

save money节约金钱

There is no need to wait in a queue. 无需排队

Online stores give us the ability to buy around the clock 随时能买

Enjoy the convenience体会便捷

With online shopping, you can compare prices from hundreds of different vendors.可以比价

  • 做家务的好处

Work around the house also teaches children life-skills.

Doing chores can build self-esteem and confidence.

have a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment有一种满足感和收获感

give us a sense of being part of the household team.

a part of the family 家庭一份子

have the responsibility to do sth 有责任

Work around the house also teaches children life-skills.

Doing chores can build self-esteem and confidence.

have a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment有一种满足感和收获感

give us a sense of being part of the household team.

a part of the family 家庭一份子

have the responsibility to do sth 有责任

  • 多跟父母沟通的好处

have a sense of belonging and happiness有归属感和幸福感

relieve tension and anxiety解除紧张和焦虑

relieve stress and reduce depression.减压

develop social skills 培养社交能力

have a sense of belonging and happiness有归属感和幸福感

relieve tension and anxiety解除紧张和焦虑

relieve stress and reduce depression.减压

develop social skills 培养社交能力




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