


12 Ms.Todd Is Odd !

Chapter 1 P.1~8

stuff 东西 n.

awesome 令人敬畏的 adj.

bolt 闪电 n.

way 大大地 adv.

pledge 宣誓 v.

allegiance 效忠 n.

cubby 小房间 n.

curly 卷毛的 adj.

nerd 呆子 n.

figured 起重要作用 v.

dorks 笨蛋 n.

dweeb 白痴 n.

know-it-alls 自以为无所不知的人 n.

dumb 无语的 adj.

fabulous 难以置信的 a.

none of your beeswax 不关你事

beeswax 蜂蜡 n.

giggling 大笑 a.

cooty 虱子 n.

crawl 爬 v.

throw up 呕吐

In the first chapter, A.J. said his favorite place in the school is lost and found room. Because he could get anything he wanted without money. He called the room \'the Free stuff room\'. One day A.J. came to the school a little early. So he wanted to kill time by find something in the Free stuff room. He noticed a black T-shirt. It was a lightning bolt on the back of T-shirt. It\'s so cool. And A.J. put it on. Next time A.J. returned to the classroom on time. Suddenly, this really annoying girl who he hate came in. She called everyone in the class got to Mr. Klutz\'s office who is the principle of the school. Out of A.J.\'s expectation, Andrew told him the black T-shirt he worn was hers. This is embarrassed to A.J. . At the same time, boys kicked up a fuss.

The things happened in this chapter, I think everyone around must be happened something like this story. Even though it\'s embarrassing, it\'s something like this that makes campus life so colorful. It will be an unforgettable memory in years to come.

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